We offer you a service for all our products and ophthalmic devices.
In the case of defective devices, we guarantee the quickest possible repair and, if necessary, loan devices for the duration of the failure, so that your practice can continue to run smoothly.
If you have any problems or questions, our qualified team of service technicians will be happy to assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
We offer one-day seminars for specialists, opticians and their staff on the subject of “refraction training”.
You need technical support? Via “TeamViewer” – remote control and maintenance, we gain access to your computer and thus offer you optimal support.
You need manuals or brochures?
Here you can find the PDF downloads
The easy way to the inspection sticker. According to the law, a metrological check (MTK) must be carried out on your tonometers every 2 years at the latest. – Our technician will come to you.
Would you like a non-binding consultation
or an inspection of your practice?
Please feel free to call us or send us an email.